
Education and research

The Organisation organises, coordinates and supports professional education of its members, and for this reason establishes links with professional institutions and individuals.


Sports and leisure

The programme of the Organisation aims at preserving health and preventing illnesses, as well as encouraging healthy lifestyles of its members and others; thus, we contribute to quality, efficient and safe nursing and midwifery care and to the quality of life in general. 


Divisions and branches

Activities within different divisions are organised at regular meetings of the Executive Committee which has six members who prepare professional programmes and other forms of socialising.


About organisation

International collaboration


The Nurse and Midwifery Organisation of Ljubljana is a voluntary, independent, non-profit, apolitical, professional association of nurses, midwives and health technicians of the wider Ljubljana region and the surrounding area. Today the Organisation has more than 4.800 members. Our activities are aimed at improving health, contributing to professional and personal growth of our members and actively participating in the introduction of changes dictated by the developments in the profession of nursing and midwifery care and the needs of the society. More

International collaboration

Active participation of our members at numerous international meetings and events organised by the ICN, as well as by other international organisation and professional associations of nurses and midwives, where both our leadership and members successfully represented our profession and our organisation. More


The 27th of November 1927 is undoubtedly a red-letter date for nurses in the Ljubljana region and for the Association of Nurses, Midwives and Health Technicians of Slovenia. The foundations and legal basis for the independent society in Ljubljana were provided by the founders' meeting of nurses from the Ljubljana region on the 31st of March 1964 in Ljubljana. More

Organisational structure

The Organisation’s organisational structure is defined in the statute and other acts.

The Organisation’s organisational structure is defined in the statute and other acts. The President of the Organisation is, in accordance with the decisions of the last general meeting of voters, Đurđa Sima; Vice-president Gordana Lokajner is responsible for education, research and publishing, Vice-president Peter Požun is responsible for administrative tasks, financial and legal matters, coordination of interest activities; Vice-president Nada Sirnik is responsible for complementary and natural medicine in nursing and midwifery care.


The Organisation presents the awards at a regular professional meeting of the Organisation on the 27th of November or on another occasion. Awards are given by the President of the Organisation.
