The programme of the Organisation aims at preserving health and preventing illnesses, as well as encouraging healthy lifestyles of its members and others; thus, we contribute to quality, efficient and safe nursing and midwifery care and to the quality of life in general.
The general purpose of the Organisation is intensified professional associating according to the goals and aims defined in the statute. The Organisation actively participates in preserving and developing historical heritage of nurses, midwives and health technicians, it facilitates cultural, professional, social and sport activities of its members, develops contacts with similar societies and organisations in Slovenia and abroad. The professional purpose of the Organisation is strengthening and developing the role and significance of professional activities of our members on the national and international levels.
The Organisation organises, coordinates and supports professional education of its members, and for this reason establishes links with professional institutions and individuals, stimulates and carries out scientific research work, collects professional, statistical and other data which are important for developing the profession, develops methods and forms of works which are in the interest of our members, cooperates in healthcare policy-making with international organisations, trade unions, professional and other governmental and nongovernmental institutions, societies and associations.